Pro forma financial statements can help you explore hypothetical scenarios for your business. So, what is a pro forma statement? Find out, right here.
Pro forma financial statement (definition) A pro forma financial statement is a document that predicts future financial results using estimated data. By looking at recurring income and costs, an accountant or bookkeeper can predict what a future income statement, balance sheet or cash flow statement...
Pro Forma Financial Statement Afinancial statementthat a company prepares to consider the effects of a potentialactivity. For example, if a company is consideringacquiringanother, it may prepare a pro forma financial statement to estimate what effect the acquisition would have on its ownfinancialcircum...
pro forma statement 英 [prəʊ ˈfɔːmə ˈsteɪtmənt] 美 [proʊ ˈfɔːrmə ˈsteɪtmənt]预计决算表;暂编报表
Define pro forma. pro forma synonyms, pro forma pronunciation, pro forma translation, English dictionary definition of pro forma. adj. 1. Done as a formality; perfunctory. 2. Provided in advance so as to prescribe form or describe items: a pro forma copy
On this page, you'll find the legal definition and meaning ofPro Forma, written in plain English, along with examples of how it is used. What is Pro Forma? It is known “as a matter of form” or ” the sake of form” which could also mean, the formality to make things move along...
Define Pro-forms. Pro-forms synonyms, Pro-forms pronunciation, Pro-forms translation, English dictionary definition of Pro-forms. or pro-form n. An item in a sentence, typically a pronoun, verb, or adverb, that substitutes for a constituent phrase or cla
美 英 un.定式决算表 网络财务报表 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 定式决算表
ProForma是个经验积累的工作,所以实践是唯一成才的途径。拿起excel表做一个比学习多少概念和理论更重要。 进一步学习的资源: Business Dictionary的定义: What does Pro Forma mean? definition and meaning Wikipedia的介绍: Pro forma 百度百科的介绍: 模拟财务信息_百度百科 美国证监会(SEC)的说法 http://www....
pro forma financial statement 英 [prəʊ ˈfɔːmə faɪˈnænʃl ˈsteɪtmənt] 美 [proʊ ˈfɔːrmə faɪˈnænʃl ˈsteɪtmənt]预计...