C'est quoi ce petit boulot? (1991) Micheline Cornil Madame le Gallo 1 Maigret (1991) Erick Desmarestz Monsieur Fortier 1 The Chorus (2004) Denis Fouqueray Ingénieur du son radio 1 The Beautiful Prisoner (1983) Thérèse Crémieux Avocat Marie 1 Birgitt Haas Must Be Killed...
Become a member to see contact information for C'est quoi être heureux?. Try IMDbPro Premium for free + Add Cast 14 cast members NameKnown for Martin Laroche François Ducharme Déformation personnelle(2003) Julie Le Breton Marie-Hélène Rivard-Paré (as Julie LeBreton) ...
C'est quoi la vie?(1999) 115 min|Drama Edit pageAdd to list Track Nicolas works on his father's farm. The work is hard, life is tough and business is not going well, so Nicolas dreams of a different life. One day he agrees to give a woman (Maria) a ride. After he has dropped...