MoFo Pro Bono attorneys are ensuring that the way we live today, preserves a higher quality of living for generations to come. Pro Bono Spotlight Meet the people who have dedicated their time to serving communities around the world and making real change possible. See Pro Bono in Action The ...
I joined O’Melveny because pro bono work is part of O’Melveny’s culture. I focus a lot of my pro bono work on reproductive-justice work, and am very proud of the way our O’Melveny attorneys and the fearless advocates at organizations like the ACLU Reproductive Freedom Project and the...
Joe ProBono is a great platform to give back to those in need without the sketchiness of other sites like Craigslist! I helped a woman with bookkeeping and was very pleased to find how respectful she was of my time. Definitely will use again. ... CUNY Citizenship Now! CUNY Citizenship Now provides free, high-quality, and confidential immigration law services to help individuals and families obtain U.S. citizenship. Its attorneys and paralegals provide one-on-one consultations to assess participants’ eligibility for lega...
Legal Services NYC Honors Kramer Levin and Attorneys for Pro Bono CommitmentKurt M. Denk
Our attorneys believe in using their skills and passions to serve low-income communities, fight against injustice, preserve access to the courts, and enforce the rule of law. The Firm’s pro bono efforts demonstrate the same commitment to excellence as we do all our work. The Firm’s full-...
Over the course of July, a team of Paul, Weiss attorneys assisted in the launch of the Equitable Commute Project (ECP)’s E-Bike Initiative, a city-wide project that brings together environmental and public policy-focused nonprofits, private businesses and local NYC government agencies with the...
Attorneys who participate in the WLI Housing Clinic are focused on helping low-income tenants in New York public housing remain in and/or repair their homes. The outcomes in these cases, referred by The Legal Aid Society, Legal Services NYC and New York Legal Assistance Group, can make a li...
The New York Court of Appeals recently ruled in favor of S&C’s pro bono client Success Academy Charter Schools – NYC in its battle to provide prekindergarten (Pre-K) classes free from intrusive oversight by the New York City Department of Education (DOE). Success Academy is New York City...
Legal Services NYC Honors Kramer Levin Attorneys for Pro Bono Commitment An introduction is presented to this issue which honors planners who won the 2013 "Financial Planning" Pro Bono Awards by donating inordinate amounts of free time and resources to people who cannot pay them in return. D Al...