Pullups should probably be part of your standard workout plan, anyway. But for purposes of building super forearms that could be used for arm wrestling, Larratt implores that you try “pullups with wrist engagement.” How exactly do you pull those off? “You want that wrist really cupped...
After taking more abuse Jazz shows her displeasure by grabbing Rain’s arm and smashing it over hew own shoulder many, many times and then smashing it with her forearm many, many, many more times! Rain somehow manages to counter into a top wristlock but soon she’s back in a Hammerlock...
This is to train your forearms. The main job of forearms is to help you grip things. For example, you are hanging of a pole, you are using forearms to do that. A motocross biker needs to have very strong forearms, because he needs to hold onto the bike handles while his bike is...