Screen size 12.3 in OS Windows 10 Home 64 Battery life 10.5 h Weight 4.1500 oz Data storage 256 GB Wireless 802.11ax and Bluetooth About this item Product details Ultra-light and versatile. At your desk, on the couch, or in the yard, get more done your way with...
--- 聖經加註Strong Number查詢:包含KJV以及和合本(繁,簡)加註Strong Number.浮動, 半透明和可移動的視窗, 顯示該Strong Number的定義,並列出參考到該原文的經文. --- 聖經地圖史畫: 現有"The Complete Sunday School Atlas","The Rand-McNally Bible Atlas" and "Dore's Bible Illustrations" ...
* Bible with Strong Number: includes KJV with Strong Number text. For each Strong Number, can have a floating window to show its definition. * Bible Maps/Art. * Reading Plan: create personal daily bible reading plan based on your choices of bible books and duration. Includes 4 examples of...
Profeti om Babylons ødelæggelse - Det følgende budskab fra Herren drejer sig om Babylon og det babyloniske folk: „Råb det ud til hele verden, så alle
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