PRL3-zumab的适应症是实体瘤。 此药物由INTRA-IMMUSG PTE LTD/ 精鼎医药研究开发(上海)有限公司生产并提出实验申请,[实验的目的] 主要目的: 证明PRL3-Zumab在不可切除或转移性实体瘤患者中的疗效 文章目录[隐藏] 基本信息 公示的试验信息 基本信息 公示的试验信息 一、题目和背景信息 二、申请人信息 三、临床...
A humanized antibody, PRL3-zumab, specifically bindsto an intracellular oncogenic phosphatase PRL3, which is frequently expressed in several cancers. Here we show that PRL3-zumab specifically inhibits PRL3cancer cells in vivo, but not in vitro. PRL3 antigens are detected on the cell surface ...
PRL3-Zumab(226688)临床研究启动会 2021年08月16日下午三点,湖北省肿瘤医院乳腺中心GCP办公室启动了一项名为“针对实体瘤、评估PRL3-zumab 安全性和有效性的开放标签、多中心” II期临床研究。本次临床研究采取线上会议的形式,会议由吴新红教授担任PI和主持,参与...
of PRL3-zumab directly to cultured cells. Regardless of dose or PRL3 expression status in this simplified in vitro system, we found that PRL3-zumab had no inhibitory effects (Fig.1f–h, red boxes) on the growth of MHCC-LM3 cells (PRL3+; Fig.1f), Hep53.4 cells (PRL3–; Fig.1g...
显示全部 显示 受理号 药品名称 注册分类 申请类型 承办日期 企业名称 办理状态 状态开始日 任务类型 审评结论 详情查看 JXSL2000168 PRL3-zumab 治疗用生物制品1 进口 2020-09-30 INTRA-IMMUSG PTE LTD 在审评审批中(在药审中心) 2020-09-29 临床试验申请 查看 查看VIP...
we proposed PRL3-zumab could serve in another critical usage as an ‘Adjuvant immunotherapy’ immediately after patient’s tumor removal to clean up PRL3+PGCC stem-like cells. Therefore, we anticipate PRL3-zumab could act as ‘Double Swords’: not only inhibiting tumor growth but also preven...
PRL3-Zumab+免疫药(单疫)临床信息。小细胞肺癌 曹银科主治医师普通外科 天水市中西医结合医院 三甲 去咨询 您好,我是百度健康曹银科医生,非常高兴能够为您提供医疗咨询服务。 你好 你好 请问您有什么需要帮助 P R L3-zuma b 现在的临床信息 入组了吗 这个药市面上没有 你们参加临床试验 准备入 不知道,目...
Herein, we generated a first-in-class humanized antibody (PRL3-zumab) against PRL-3, an intracellular tumor-associated phosphatase upregulated in multiple human cancers, for unconventional cancer immunotherapies. We focused on gastric cancer (GC), wherein elevated PRL-3 mRNA levels significantly ...
Fourthly, we demonstrated PRL3-zumab, a First-in-Class humanized antibody drug against PRL3 oncotarget, could reduce tumor relapse in 'tumor removal' animal model. Finally, we confirmed that PGCCs were enriched in relapse tumors versus primary tumors. PRL3-zumab has been approved for Phase 2...
PRL3-zumab is a first-in-class humanized antibody that specifically binds to PRL-3 oncotarget with high affinity and has been shown to reduce tumor growth and increase survival.ObjectiveIn the study, we aimed to determine the safety and efficacy of PRL3-zumab in patients with advanced solid...