Priyanka Chopra is currently busy with her upcoming film The Bluff. Amid her busy schedule, she had a fun time with her family on the weekend featuring her husband Nick Jonas, daughter Malti Marie, and mother Madhu Chopra. The pictur...
Take a look at the trailer for the actress' upcoming film! Priyanka Chopra Jonas is returning to Bollywood with a heartwarming new film. On Tuesday, the trailer was released for The Sky Is Pink, a real-life love story beset with a truly devastating challenge. The 37-year-old...
Priyanka Chopra plays an upcoming actress and Shahid Kapoor plays a struggling music composer from the 1960s in Kunal Kohli's film. And Kohli insists she's a happy character. "Neither Priyanka nor Shahid is in an unhappy space in the script. The fact that they're both intrinsically happy ...
Priyanka Chopra Jonas “Homewreckers”: Release Date, Cast, Plot and All You Need to Know About Glen Powell’s Erotic Thriller 12/20/2024 by Ankita Mukherjee FandomWire Lotfi Achour’s ‘Red Path’ Wins Golden Yusr at Red Sea Film Festival as Viola Davis and Priyanka Chopra Jonas Receive ...
Chopra made her name in India in numerous films before breaking out in the U.S. on the thriller drama series “Quantico.” She also stars in the upcoming “Baywatch” movie which comes out in May. “We are both fiercely proud of our heritage and are united by the idea of bringing a...
ET's Kevin Frazier spoke with Nick Jonas on Sunday, while the singer was promoting his upcoming animated comedy UglyDolls, and the singer opened up about the close friendship that has formed between his wife, Priyanka Chopra, and his brother Joe's fiancee, Sophie Turner. "I...
The wait for the new season of Quantico is not all that long –Quantico Season 2 will air in India soon! Photo Caption: Exclusive first look at Quantico‘s upcoming second season courtesy of TVLine and ABC as Russell Tovey keep company with Priyanka Chopra’s Alex and Aarón Díaz’s Leó...
Meet the New Big B Ambassador!: Bolly Hottie Priyanka Chopra Is Thrilled to Be Felicitating Amitabh Bachchan at an Upcoming EventNavalShetye, Aakanksha
I would love to do Dum Maro Dum, though it's done already, but I would still want to do it. Also, I really want to sing for Rekhaji but I don't know if she will agree to the song and talking about the newer generation, I would really want to sing for Priya...
Celine Dion.Photo: Stefanie Keenan/Getty Who wouldn't fall in love ifCéline Dionhad something to do with it? That seems to be the premise of the upcoming movie Dion has signed on for, alongside Priyanka Chopra Jonas andOutlander's Sam Heughan, 40. The trio will star inText For...