对称性加密系统亦称秘密金钥加密法(Private-key Encryption),其发送端与接收端使用相同的金钥,即加密金钥和解密金钥 … www.bctest.ntnu.edu.tw|基于19个网页 2. 私钥加密 私钥加密(Private-key encryption):只使用单一密钥的进行加密和解密的方法。请参考术语“公钥加密”。
Cryptographic Primitives:symmetric key encryption(对称加密),public key encryption(公钥加密),message authentication code(MAC, 消息认证码),hash functions(哈希函数),digital signatures(数字签名) Basics of Quantum Cryptography:quantum key distribution,random number distribution 对称密钥加密 私钥加密 (private-key ...
私有密钥加密(Private-KeyEncryption) 7 ImportantWords4 代理服务器(ProxyServer) 公开密钥(PublicKey) 公开密钥加密(Public-KeyEncryption) 安全信封(SecureEnvelope) 会话Cookie(SessionCookie) 会话密钥(SessionKey) 签名消息或代码(Signedmessageorcode) 对称加密(SymmetricEncryption) 三重数据加密标准3DES(TripleDataEncr...
私有密钥加密(private-key encryption) Chapter 11 Implementing Security for Electronic Commerce Objectives Security measures that can reduce or eliminate intellectual property theft Securing client computers from attack by viruses and by ill-intentioned programs and scripts downloaded in Web pages Authenticate ...
In this chapter we introduce the basic ideas and concepts underlying private-key encryption (also called symmetric encryption). Particularly important is the concept of security, which for the classical ciphers studied in the first chapter was not precisely defined. Thus we shall start by looking ...
网络私钥 网络释义 1. 私钥 私钥(Private Encryption Key)就等同於将您的信用卡、驱动程式的授权码、社会安全码以及房屋与汽车的钥匙结合在一起的物品… www.informationsecurity.com.tw|基于2个网页
Private Key Encryption refers to a type of encryption system where both the sender and receiver use the same secret code to exchange private messages securely. It is also known as a "single-key" or "symmetric" system, where the same key is used for encryption and decryption. ...
(if you load a private key, there is no need to// load the public one) you can start Encrypt / Decrypt data// using Private / Public keys.byte[] message = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("My secret message");byte[] encryptMsg = myRsa.PrivateEncryption(message);byte[] decryptMsg = myRsa....
private key (in encryption) 在中文中 将“private key (in encryption)"翻译成英文 译文示例:所有 VPN 隧道的安全要素(证书 Certificates, 私人密钥 Private Key 和整个 IPSec/IKE 配置)都会被加密。 ↔ All the Security Elements of a VPN tunnel (certificates, private key and the whole IPsec/IKE ...
Symmetric, or private-key, encryption is based on a secret key that is shared by both communcating parties. The (/) party uses the secret key as part of the mathematical operation to encrypt (/) text to cipher text. The receiving party uses the same secret key to decrypt the cipher tex...