In conversations withFortuneover several months, Shan elaborated on that premise. It was a movable feast in which Shan did most of the moving, treating me to around 10 hours of phone interviews from PAG’s headquarters in central Hong Kong, where he also lives; from his car while driving t...
When it was eventually released, it was equipped with salivating sound-bites from the Vatican ("It was so," The Pope solemnly remarked) and believers ("I didn't know what Christ endured for me!"), the media promoting it as a film which every Christian should dutifully attend. "Ryan" h...
Many times people make promises which they do not keep. Sometimes they are truly sincere but lack the ability to keep their word. Sometimes they change their mind or find the cost is more than they are willing to pay. Our God has the power to keep His Word. He is God Almighty. He i...
Volunteer Pilots Flying Wounded Vets for Free Imagine for a moment you’re a wounded veteran who has difficulty traveling. Maybe it’s hard to get around physically, or you just can’t afford to fly your family commercially. Now imagine an organization of volunteers to fly you and your loved...