Several factors determine a private student loan interest rate, including the loan amount and repayment length, as well as the borrower's credit history and debt-to-income ratio. If you have a low credit score or no established credit history, you may be offered a higher interest rate or re...
Brazos Higher Education offers private student loans with zero fees and low rates to Texas residents. Apply now for affordable college education loans.
In many cases,private federal lenders requirea co-signer — especially if you have no credit or a low credit score. For these reasons, "Not having access to a willing co-signer can be a non-starter," says Derek Brainard, national director of financial education at AccessLex Center for ...
SoFi offers student loans for undergraduates, graduates, and parents. According to the lender, those with a creditworthy cosigner are seven times more likely to be approved. Here are some eligibility requirements for a SoFi student loan: Financial requirements Minimum credit score: Not disclosed Minim...
Credit Score Required: Low to Mid-600s Interest Rates: 3.69% to 14.71% (Fixed Interest Rates with autopay); 6.01% to 15.47% (Variable Interest Rates with autopay) Maximum Loan Amount: Upto $200,000 for undergraduate loans and up to $400,000 for graduate loansHow to Apply for a Private...
Check your eligibility in under 3 minutes with no impact to your credit score. Start an Application *Annual Percentage Rates (APRs) displayed above are effective as of 01/01/2025 and reflect an Automatic Payment Discount of 0.25% for credit-based college student loans when you enroll in automa...
Don't give up on getting a private student loan because you have bad credit. There are ways you could still qualify.
High interest rates for most: Because private loans require a credit check, people with no credit history or a low credit score may end up with a more expensive loan than what the federal government offers — and that’s if you qualify for a private loan in the first place. Have to sea...
See your rates today without impacting your credit score. Apply Now Why choose an Ascent loan? Ascent provides more opportunities for you and your family to apply forstudent loans with a cosigner,student loans without a cosigner, orour parent student loansas well as these additional benefits: ...
Min. credit score Low-Mid 600s Fixed APR 3.39-14.21% Variable APR 5.09-14.10% Key facts Online lender Ascent offers two private student loan products, one for borrowers who have a co-signer and one for independent students who don't have a co-signer or established credit. ...