At LOGOS Speech & Language Therapy we help children, teenagers and adults to develop their speech and language abilities to their full potential.
With over 20 years delivering speech therapy in the early years environment you can have confidence that your staff are receiving the highest level of training and support FRIENDLY Our friendly, unassuming approach will ensure that your staff will get the maximum benefit from our early years trainin...
Welcome to Children's Speech Therapy NI, a Highly Specialist Private Speech and Language Therapy service in Northern Ireland & Belfast. Private Speech Therapist Northern Ireland & Belfast for children
Speech Connections is a pediatric, private therapy practice serving the greater Indianapolis area. We offer individual speech language services to children of all ages. Our focus is to provide individualized speech therapy for children while supporting and guiding the parents and care-givers along the ...
Speech & Language Therapy Book an Appointment Occupational Health In person and online consultations available with booking online on the same day. Reports Available Include Sick Notes Visa Medicals HGV Medicals Taxi Medicals Occupational Health Medicals ...
Welcome! Submit a referral here Every Child Matters Learn more here Now offeringTeletherapyand in-person services. Pleasecontact usfor more information. CHILDREN We provide individualized and group speech and language therapy for children. We work in our clinic, or in your home or childcare center...
Founded in 1990, Rehabilitation Consultants is a private practice therapy clinic, specialising in Occupational Therapy (OT) and Speech Therapy (ST) for children and adults in Hong Kong and the region. Services provided: Occupational Therapy (OT) ...
SPARK offers services in both the Durham Region and Windsor-Essex areas. View Locations SERVICES SPARK's services vary by location and include Counselling, Speech-Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and more! View Services SPARK Whitby Serving the Durham Region, offering in-centre clinic...
If you want to get into private practice with purpose and confidence, this episode is for you! My guest today is Eliana Provenzano-Lewis. Eliana is a bilingual speech-language pathologist with a pediatric private practice in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She started Monarch Speech and Language Therapy in 202...
Pleasecheckalltheservicesthatyourschooloffersandthatthestudenthasused:请注明该生在校所接受的辅导课程: ___ReadingSupport___SpeechTherapy___EnglishasaSecondLanguage ___EnrichmentProgram___Supportforstudentswithlearningdisabilities ___GATE(GiftedandTalentedEducation)Program ___Anythingelseweshould...