隐私求交(Private Set Intersection, PSI)可能是被研究最多的具体的多方安全计算(Secure Multiparty Computation, MPC)协议。PSI本质上是一种特殊的多方安全计算协议:计算双方各自有一个集合,要求双方协作共同计算出两者集合的交集,计算过程中(除了交集部分)不泄露任何和各自集合相关的信息。 PSI属于一种特殊的多方安全计...
PSI解决的问题:发起方A持有数据集合X,数据方B持有数据集合Y。A发起求交任务,经过A和B之间的通讯,A可以得到集合X和集合Y中相同的数据:result=X\cap Y 。除交中数据外,不泄露集合X和Y中的其余数据。 简单的求…
隐私求交(Private Set Intersection, PSI)研究综述 PSI是多方安全计算领域研究的核心问题,旨在让两个独立集合的持有者协作计算出交集,同时保证集合内容的隐私性。PSI协议的效率和安全性,一直是研究的热点。分类与标准PSI PSI主要分为四大类:基于密钥交换、基于透明传输、基于透明键-值存储和基于多项式操作。
Private Set Intersection (PSI) is a cryptographic technique that allows two parties to compute the intersection of their sets without revealing anything except the intersection. We use fully homomorphic encryption to construct a fast PSI protocol with a small communication overhead that works ...
Private Set Intersection即隐私集合求交集,简写为PSI,是安全多方计算中常见的一种协议,用于多个参与方共同完成求得各自隐私集合的交集。简单地说,现在有个参与方,每一方都有一个私有集合,这个参与方希望得知他们的集合里有哪些公共元素。在某些应用里也会有寻找共同好友之类的服务,但往往会直接用私有集合求交集,这并...
Private set intersection (PSI) allows two mutually distrusting parties each holding a private set of elements, to learn the intersection of their sets without revealing anything beyond the intersection. Recent work (Badrinarayanan et al., PoPETS’22) ini
Private Set Intersection (PSI) refers to a functionality where two parties, each holding a private set of items, can check which items they have in common without revealing anything else to each other. Upper bounds on the sizes of the sets are assumed to be public information and are not ...
Multiparty Cardinality Testing for Threshold Private Set-2021:解读2022-06-308.The Communication Complexity of Threshold Private Set Intersection-2019:解读2022-06-239.Improved Security for a Ring-Based Fully Homomorphic Encryption Scheme-2013:解读2022-06-1410.Simple, Fast Malicious Multiparty Private Set...
Schneider, M. Zohner. Faster Private Set Intersection Based on OT Extension. USENIX Security 2014: 797-812. Full version available at http://eprint.iacr.org/2014/447.[2] B. Pinkas, T. Schneider, G. Segev, M. Zohner. Phasing: Private Set Intersection using Permutation-based Hashing. ...
Private Set Intersection (PSI) is a cryptographic technique that allows two parties to compute the intersection of their sets without revealing anything except the intersection. We use fully homomorphic encryption to construct a fast PSI protocol with a small communication overhead that works particularl...