Private health insurance (PHI) refers to diverse health funding arrangements in different national contexts (Colombo and Tapay, 2004a). It is distinguished from public coverage programmes primarily by its funding through non‐income‐related premiums ‐ usually paid on the basis of a contract between...
Private-Sector Health Insurance: A Primer 类型:精装书ISBN13:9781634837729出版于:2015-12-01 普通订购2280元2736元国外仓库 至苏州发货中心至 客户地址(中国大陆地址顺丰包邮)苏州发货中心发货时间:01月10日~01月16日(受元旦影响),请在今天17点前付款 ...
作者调查了全球65个国家的农业保险发展情况,将全球不同国家的农业保险计划(Agricultural Insurance Programs)分为三种制度架构(institutional Framework),即”Private Sector Modcl”(商业部门模式)、“Public sector Modcl”(公共部门模式)和“Public-Privet Partnerships”(公私合作模式,即政府市场合作保险)。这三种计划或者...
Health insurance payments represent a dramatically rising percent-age of total payroll costs. Private employers in four communities-Boston, Denver, San Diego, and Iowa-are experimenting in ways to manage health care costs in conjunction with providers, employees, and governments. Strategies are diverse...
SIZE OF THE PUBLIC SECTOR, ECONOMIC GROWTH AND THE INFORMAL ECONOMY: DEVELOPMENT TRENDS IN THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY * The growth of the public sector in the post-war period and the consequences of this development for economic growth is a strongly disputed subject of econo... HG ...
Brad O'Neill Vice President, Client Executive HUB International Insurance Services, Denver Rural Communities Find a Champion In big cities like New York, Los Angeles or Philadelphia, there are plenty of healthcare carriers for businesses. But in rural Colorado, things are much different. That was...
The promotion of private health insurance and its implications for the social organisation of healthcare: a case study of private sector obstetric practice... This paper examines some of the implications of the process of privatisation of a national healthcare system for the delivery, organisation ...
Americans obtain health insurance in different settings and through a variety of methods. People may get health coverage in the private sector or through a publicly funded program, such as Medicare or Medicaid. In 2008, 60% of the U.S. population had employment-based health insurance. Employers...
In the field of healthcare, a large portion of the world population is still not aware of the benefits of health insurance policies. The expenses of medical care are increasing across the world with advancements made in the field. Through the advancement in technology, the healthcare sector is...
European healthcare insurance Growing opportunities in the private sectorI Harcus