The Government has confirmed that all homes in the private rented sector (PRS) must have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of C or above by 2030. The aim of these standards is to improve the energy efficiency and quality of rental homes, in line with the UK’s targets fo...
Private rented sectormarket maturityprivate landlords EdinburghRent regulationThe paper presents a framework for assessing maturity of the private rented sector (PRS) that is tested by reference to a study of Edinburgh set within a Scottish context. The mature market framework is developed by reference...
Welcome to the Private Rented Sector Accreditation Scheme PRSAS (formerly called National Landlord Accreditation Scheme NLAS). For landlords and agents.
There has been a long-standing negative image associated with private landlords. Private rented housing in the UK expanded dramatically after the millenniu
Mr Johnson replied: "I can indeed confirm that we will be bringing forward legislation to protect private renters from eviction, that is one thing we will do, but it is also important as we legislate that we do not simply pass on the problem, so we'll also be taking steps to protect ...
One man, Patrick Colquhoun was instrumental in demonstrating the remarkable volume of theft, the commercial impact that this had, both on owners and the loss of tax revenue, and putting forward an argument for legislation to support a professional river police, and in 1800, he published a major...
Landlords and property : social relations in the private rented sector The issue of private landlordism in Britain touches a raw political nerve. There is no shortage of prescription as to what should be done with the rented h... J Allen,L Mcdowell - Cambridge University Press 被引量: 38发...
The author says that according to the report, there is a need of amending homelessness legislation in order to qualify a private sector tenancy as a discharge of homelessness duty by the local authority. He argues that private rented sector may attract young people, but not the first choice ...
This process expanded eventually to most classes of society as ownership became both the market norm and the objective of government policy (Commission on the Private Rented Residential Sector, 2000). The two world wars saw emergency legislation introduced to control rents in the residential sector ...
The Private Rented Housing (Scotland) Bill.(Legislation)Nicol, Adele