如果静态方法或者静态属性被修饰protected或者private,在只能在类中被调用,在类外面不能通过类名访问,如果需要在类外面访问,可以通过暴露一个公有的方法进行访问 只读属性(readonly) readonly name:string='jack' 枚举 主要用在可以预知的类型上,如性别分成男女,一周分成七天,都可以定...
classSuperhero { readonly name: string constructor( name: string, editor: string, createdYear: number ) { name=this.name; } }
TypeScript private readonly – readonly is not marked as keyword This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated7 years, 9 months agobysupport-piotr. Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total) Author Posts April 22, 2017 at 6:56 pm#520493Reply ...
In the constructor, we want to set the prop to readonly, you need to do like this: classSuperhero { readonly name: string constructor( name: string, editor: string, createdYear: number ) { name=this.name; } } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13....
UIAbility如何刷新ArkTS卡片 UIAbility是否可以做到对部分白名单应用可见 多Module应用通过startAbility()启动时报错 UIAbility在onBackground执行耗时操作时是否会影响另外一个UIAbility的onForeground getContext(this)能否在自定义类中使用 应用的进程启用过程是怎样的 是否允许三方应用在手机设备上Fork进程 两...
Error: Argument of type 'typeof PermissionGuard' is not assignable to parameter of type 'PartialFuncReturn<{ prototype: { readonly reflector: ...; readonly rolePermissionService: ...; canActivate: ...; }; }>'. Types of property 'prototype' are incompatible. ...
public worldScale : Readonly < Vec3 > 继承自:Node.worldScale 世界坐标系下的缩放 Defined in cocos/core/scene-graph/node.ts:284 public worldRotation : Readonly < Quat > 继承自:Node.worldRotation 世界坐标系下的旋转,用四元数表示 Defined in cocos/core/scene-graph/node.ts:257 public...
public worldMatrix : Readonly < multiplyScalar > 继承自:Node.worldMatrix 世界坐标系变换矩阵 Defined in cocos/core/scene-graph/node.ts:428 public uuid : string 继承自:Node.uuid 主要用于编辑器的 uuid,在编辑器下可用于持久化存储,在项目构建之后将变成自增的 id。 Defined in cocos/core/scene-...
projen/src/javascript/node-project.ts Line 427 in 70ff293 private readonly workflowBootstrapSteps: JobStep[]; to be made protected instead of private. 👍 1 roamingthings commented Nov 18, 2022 On the other hand I wonder if this change would have any 'breaking' side-effects for ex...
public position : Readonly < Vec3 > 继承自:Node.position 本地坐标系下的坐标 Defined in cocos/scene-graph/node.ts:1506 public parent : null | this 继承自:Node.parent 父节点 Defined in cocos/scene-graph/node.ts:213 public name : string 继承自:Node.name 该节点名称。 Defined in ...