🏆 Psychology graduate. 🏆Taught in South Korea, Kuwait, and Oman. 🏆Experience in teaching primary school, middle school, and high school students. 🏆My step-by-step lessons make English easy. 🏆From Beginners to Advanced: Step by Step. 🏆I'm a kind and patient teacher.😊 ...
In the Yorkshire analysis of rural landowners’ willingness to participate in flood control, landowners distinguished between investments to eliminate negative externalities of their farming practices (controlling pollution or erosion, for example) that they perceived as their moral responsibility and ...
Social psychology theories of human behavior and more specifically the consumat approach (Jager et al., 2000) typified by multidimensional optimization were adapted to our local empirical findings on Swiss farmers’ behavior. The model was meant to be used to observe the impacts of different ...
I found EduSpiral online and he met me and my Dad at the university to counsel us & take us around for a tour. As I didn’t come from a rich family, EduSpiral helped me to find a university that’s affordable and good. Eric Ng, Diploma in Information Technology (IT) at First Cit...
practices and professional forces influencing their decision-making and learning experience; when we look beyond the Thai setting, we find a student experience that is often led, first and foremost, by the student, encouraged under critical self-driven learning. In the Thai setting, we find sociop...
Since the launch of the policy of reform and opening up, the number of Chinese private enterprises has surged, and their social status has also continuously improved. This essay provides a perspective based on an investigation on private entrepreneur...
P. M. Wilderson, "Defining Measuring and Comparing Organisational Cultures," Applied Psychology: An International Review, vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 570-582, 2004. [14] L. Smircich, "Concepts of culture and Organisational analysis," Administrative Science Quarterly, vol. 28, pp. 339-359, 1983...
Mass Comm , Psychology, ELC & Design (FDPSS) EduSpiral patiently answered my questions on whatsapp & then took me around the campus for a tour to help me make a better decision. Jie Sheng, Architecture at UCSI University Foundation in Arts Subjects Leading toActuarial Science & Architecture ...
Then you lost me. Unfortunately, i don't have a degree in psychology or philosophy or whatever it is that you're taking about here. As close to that as I ever get is watching Doctor Who. Comparing TTRL to Eyes Wide Shut as a great film is somewhat misguided, in my opinion. Eyes ...
Psychology for Language Teachers: A Social Constructivist Approach; Cambrige Univesity Press: Cambridge, UK, 1997. 23. Han, J.; Yin, H. Teacher motivation: Definition, research development and implications for teachers. Cogent Educ. 2016, 3, 1217819. [CrossRef] 24. Nesje, K.; Brandmo, C...