can lead to a marked propensity towards innovative behaviour.The conclusion is reached that it is possible to implementtechnological innovations successfully on PPP projects, butthat there is reason to be cautious in promoting thisprocurement route as a prescription for success in theconstruction sector...
The principle of abstraction is established also in substantive law in theGeneral Part of the Civil Code Act§6(4), according to which the validity of a disposition is not conditional upon the validity of the transaction for the transfer of the right and obligation. 34. RT I 1993, 39, 59...
3) (i.e., the uniformly interpreted Convention is to be applied instead of national laws), although some questions are not covered by the Convention (the validity of the contract, the effect which the contract may have on the property in the goods sold or the liability of the seller for...
The validity of the identification strategy used in this study is examined in the Appendix, i.e. the exogeneity of Seguro Popular’s implementation across regions. On the other hand, when Eq. (1) is estimated using health expenditures as the dependent variable, the effect of Seguro Popular is...