Towards a National Injury Costing System?:Lessons from a Public-Private Injury Costing Pilot Study in South Africadoi:10.4314/asp.v7i2.54592Garth StevensBrett BowmanRangan SG, Juvekar SK, Rasalpurkar SB et al. 2004. Tuberculosis control in rural India: lessons from public-private collaboration. ...
With Dr. Afsheen Afshar, Founder and Managing Member of Pilot Wave Holdings Our guest in this podcast is Dr. Afsheen Afshar, founder of New York-based Pilot Wave Holdings. Focusing on smaller midmarket companies, Pilot Wave invests not only capital but also AI and other advanced tec...
. 14EOhasbeendefunctsince1999,whenanewlawtargetedatmercenaryactivitywaspassedin SouthAfrica.SandlinecloseditsoperationsinApr.2004.However,itisgenerallyagreedbyindustry commentators that the dissolution of these companies has been followed by
Towards a national injury costing system?: lessons from a public-private injury costing pilot study in South Africa: research and theoryGarth StevensBrett Bowman
Towards a National Injury Costing System?:Lessons from a Public-Private Injury Costing Pilot Study in South Africadoi:10.4314/ASP.V7I2.54592Garth StevensBrett BowmanUniversity of South Africa (South Africa)
Green, B., Goon, D. T., Mtise, T., & Oladimeji, O. (2023). A Cross-Sectional Study of Professional Nurses’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Regarding Organ Donation in Critical Care Units of Public and Private Hospitals in the Eastern Cape, South Africa.Nursing Reports,13(1), 255...