However, private student loan rates can run high for borrowers with bad credit. Usually no origination fees. Many private student loan lenders don't charge origination fees, although they may charge prepayment penalties or late fees. On the other hand, federal student loans have loan fees, ...
Tip: Unlike private loans, most federal student loans don’t require a credit check or a co-signer. This means you could be eligible even if you have bad or no credit. Private student loans The specific requirements to get a private student loan vary by lender. But here are some common...
However, you might want to consider a private loan that offers a co-signer release option. Find the Student Loan That's Right for You Best Private Student Loans Student Loan Refinancing & Consolidation Student Loans Without a Co-Signer Best Student Loans for Bad Credit Best Parent Student ...
London-based PE firm Cinven, a seasoned practitioner of buy-and-build, is pursuing this strategy to roll up medical laboratories, a fragmented sector that the firm sees as ripe for consolidation. Over the past year, Cin- ven acquired French medical diagnostics company Labco for €1.2 billion ...