Private Landlords Optimistic about Prospects for Year AheadPrivate landlords have entered the new year in an optimistic frame of mind, a report said yesterday.The Birmingham Post (England)
In practice, banks lending money to a small private company and landlords of business leases will inevitably require such personal guarantees, so for these debts the concept of limited liability is a fiction. If a company is unable to pay its debts, its creditors may petition the court to ...
ASG Investigations leads the way in private investigations in Michigan with private investigators working in Birmingham, Bloomfield Hills, Troy, Livonia, Detroit, Sterling Heights, Warren, Ann Arbor, Lansing, Grand Rapids, Saginaw, Mt. Pleasant and Traverse City. We are duly licensed, bonded and in...
More than half of the country's landlords are seeing growing levels of tenant demand for their homes while void periods are continuing to fall, Solihull-based buy-to-let lender Paragon said yesterday.The Birmingham Post (England)
This article summarizes the development of housing policy in Belgium in general and the legislation governing the private rented sector in particular. It then presents a profile of the private rented sector, including its tenant, landlords and dwellings. It goes on to review critically the existing...
This article summarizes the development of housing policy in Belgium in general and the legislation governing the private rented sector in particular. It then presents a profile of the private rented sector, including its tenant, landlords and dwellings. It goes on to review critically the existing...