Yes, private IP addresses are traceable, but only by other devices on your local network. Each device connected to your local network has a private IP address, and each device’s private IP address can be seen only by other devices within that network. But unlike the public IP address that...
Public IP称为公网IP,它是网卡上的真实IP。每个节点在安装Oracle软件之前都需要事先配置Public IP。Oracle通过Public IP对外提供网络服务。如果RAC中Public IP所在的网卡设备故障,那么该节点将无法继续对外提供服务,所以,建议通过开启操作系统层面的多网卡绑定技术来实现IP Failover。如果是双节点RAC环境,那么需要在tnsname...
虚拟IP用于客户端应用,以支持失效转移,通俗说就是一台挂了,另一台自动接管,客户端没有任何感觉。 这也是为什么要使用RAC的原因之一,另一个原因,我认为是负载均衡。 3. public IP adress is the normal IP address typically used by DBA and SA to manage storage, system and database. 公有IP一般用于管理...
虚拟IP用于客户端应用,以支持失效转移,通俗说就是一台挂了,另一台自动接管,客户端没有任何感觉。 这也是为什么要使用RAC的原因之一,另一个原因,我认为是负载均衡。 3. public IP adress is the normal IP address typically used by DBA and SA to manage storage, system and database. 公有IP一般用于管理...
RAC:UDP 多网卡绑定:Linux(bonding)、Solaris(链路聚合)、AIX(EtherChannel) Oracle 建议 private network 至少配置 1GB 的网络 1、GB 级以太网卡 2、Infiniband (Oracle Exadata 解决方案),协议栈比 TCP/IP 少,消耗的CPU 资源少,价格昂贵。 私有网络的OS系统参数调整: ...
So, in the following part, we will show you the differences of private vs public IP address from the following factors. Scope The Scope of private IP address is local to present network, while the scope of public IP address is global. ...
Elastic IP address settings Allocate elastic IP get an elastic IP Associate Elastic IP address EC2 instance with elastic IP Stop instance Start instance again public IP not change Disassociate Elastic IP address Release Elastic IP address Refresh & EC2 instance will use public IP address编辑...
My FTP server under Linux is vsftpd 2.0.3. From the WinXP box and with Smart FTP client, I can connect to the ftp server with the local private IP address (ie. with a user name and its password uploading and downloading files. But with the public IP,, ...
Public IP addresses Use a public IP address for public-facing services. A public address can be either static or dynamic. A public IP address can be assigned to a virtual machine (VM), an internet-facing load balancer, a VPN gateway, or an application gateway. ...
RAC中的各种IP-PUBLIC-VIP-Private-SCAN IP 1、PUBLIC和VIP Oracle RAC中每个节点都有一个虚拟IP,简称VIP, 与公网PUBLIC IP在同一个网段。vip 附属在public网口接口。 VIP和PUBLIC IP最主要的不同之处在于:VIP是浮动的,而PUBLIC IP是固定的。在所有节点都正常运行时,每个节点的VIP会被分配到public NIC上;在li...