Nearby Private Schools The nearest high school to Spalding Academy is Pope John Xxiii/st.boniface Schools (24.9 miles away) The nearest elementary school and preschool is St. Michael's School (18.5 miles away) All Schools High Schools Elementary Schools Preschools Public Schools School Location ...
Below is a summary of public and private K-12 schools in Iowa, the information provided includes details on state finances, overall faculty numbers and student enrollment. We have also collected graduation and dropout rates which are broken down by grade and race. Interested in downloading a ...
Top 40 Private Schools United Kingdom Abbotsholme School - founded in 1889. Co-educational independent boarding and day school. The school is situated on a 140-acre campus on the banks of the River Dove in Derbyshire, England near the county border and the village of Rocester in Staffordshire...
Chicago,city, seat of Cookcounty, northeasternIllinois,U.S.With a population hovering near three million, Chicago is the state’s largest and the country’s third most populous city. In addition, the greater Chicagoland area—whichencompassesnortheastern Illinois and extends into southeasternWisconsin...