Some private student loan lenders offer deferment or forbearance options, but they might not be as flexible as your options with federal student loans. No federal forgiveness programs. Several federal student loan forgiveness and cancellation programs aren't available with private student loans, such...
Another disadvantage of private student loans is that, unlike federal student loans, they don’t come with access to income-driven repayment plans or loan forgiveness programs. When choosing a private student loan, compare rates and terms from as many lenders as possible to get the best deal fo...
such as aParent PLUS Loan. While PLUS loans can also come with high interest rates and origination fees (which most private lenders do not charge), federal loans do have hardship protections that may be valuable. Private student loans are also not eligible forPublic Service Loan Forgiveness ...
Find the right student borrowing solution.[1] 0.50% rate discount with auto pay[2] Loan Options $10,000 Scholarship. Undergraduate & Graduate. 12 Winners. Enter Today.[3] Learn More PNC Student Loan Options Undergraduate Loans Graduate Loans ...
Please be aware that if you have federal student loans, refinancing those loans could cause you to lose important student loan relief benefits available only on federal loans. These include income-driven repayment plans and public service loan forgiveness (PSLF) that will be lost if you refinance...
Find the right student borrowing solution.[1] 0.50% rate discount with auto pay[2] Loan Options $10,000 Scholarship. Undergraduate & Graduate. 12 Winners. Enter Today.[3] Learn More PNC Student Loan Options Undergraduate Loans Graduate Loans ...
Drawbacks of Private Student Loans The biggest disadvantage of private student loans is that they don't qualify for valuable federal loan protections like income-driven repayment plans, hardship programs and most student loan forgiveness options. "If you need to borrow private student loans, remember...
PNC Solution Student Loan and the PNC Education Refinance Loans are private loans. Federal loans have features and benefits such as income-driven repayment plans, deferment, forbearance and loan forgiveness options that may not be available under a private loan. Certain federal benefits will be lost...
PNC Solution Student Loan and the PNC Education Refinance Loans are private loans. Federal loans have features and benefits such as income-driven repayment plans, deferment, forbearance and loan forgiveness options that may not be available under a private loan. Certain federal benefits will be lost...
Private loans Interest rates:They can have variable or fixed rates Credit history:A credit check is typically required; those without established credit will likely need a cosigner Loan forgiveness:You do not qualify for student loan forgiveness ...