We have a full range of direct access GP services near you, similar to those available at your local NHS surgery, but with the flexibility to fit around your schedule. There's no need to register and we're also happy to welcome visitors from abroad. Easy to get to Our GP clinics are...
I am forever booking Private Apartments when travelling to Pretoria or GP. It was the most comfortable value for money experience I have had in a while. Thanks to the staff for being professional in all your dealings. I enjoyed it and would recommend it for any business person that seeks ...
Fast forward nearly thirty years, and my love for this Japanese fast food restaurant that serves fresh, tasty, decently priced dishes has not wained. There are now 130 Wagamama’s in the UK, with two near me in Belfast. My kids are equally taken by Waga’s – including the fussy eater...
In-home or our lice clinics. 4 STAY LICE-FREE 60-day guarantee keeps you lice free. Common Lice Mistakes Not gettingeveryonechecked. Miss one louse or two nits and the infestation can start over. Overlooking the cost of missed school, childcare, or work. ...
While retail health businesses with fewer than 10 outlets have been commanding multiples of around four to seven times EBITDA, those with 10 to 50 clinics are selling for seven to nine times, and some marquee assets with more than 50 clinics are trading in the low teens. The opportunity to...
insulin sensitivity was the basal insulin con- Objectives: The objective of this study was to determine a simple, practical method of assessing insulin sensitivity that could be used in veterinary clinics. centration for both the 32 cats with variable body conditions and the obese cats with ...