$3.0mm - $8.0mm in EBITDA Recurring Demand Majority Positions Why Our Partners Choose Us Guiding Philosophy Prioritizing Character, Collaboration, Integrity and Grit Value Creation Through Business Building, Not Financial Engineering Intense Focus On Only a Few Great Companies at a Time in Markets We...
We are private equity investors focused on building operationally excellent companies in partnership with Inspired Founders and Managers.
TGP Capital Partners is a Kansas City based private equity investment fund formed to make middle-market investments in well-managed, profitable, and growing companies. The Fund prefers to provide growth capital for acquisitions or internal growth or to facilitate liquidity or a sale event for existi...
They break down these categories in twenty components which are all related to security of supply (SOS) and production, dependency, diversification for availability; price stability, access and equity, decentralization, and low prices for affordability; innovation and research, safety and reliability, ...