Dive into private equity with KKR. Learn about private equity strategies, funds, and how to evaluate performance effectively.
Private Equity Fund vs Hedge Fund CriterionPrivate EquityHedge Fund Concept A private equity fund is a collective investment scheme used for making investments in various equities and debt instruments. They are alternative investments done by pooling funds involving a number of strategies to earn high...
Our Long-term Equity strategy’s first investment was in FNZ, a software and services platform making wealth management more accessible, and also more sustainable. We invested in 2018. News09 Oct 2018 Our team Our team has extensive experience in sustainable investing, finance, operations and impa...
Private equity exit planning insights More insights Value creation: The upside of extended holding periods Article / 5 min read Thinking of selling? Maximize your return with sell-side tax due diligence Article / 3 min read Tax diligence and planning: Don’t leave money on the table or ...
Cash Management Strategies for Private Equity Investors Committing capital to a private equity fund is different from buying a publicly-listed security. One central difference with private equity fund investing is that you do not invest all the money immediately, as when acquiring the share o... ...
Also included is comprehensive intelligence relating to funds being raised worldwide, with key information on target sizes and strategies used. Our private equity database now holds details on more than 44,000 private equity funds.Fund profiles on our database also disclose how much of a fund’...
Skip Navigation We're here to help if you're impacted by the California wildfires:View Our Wildfire Resources Environmental2 min read Environmental Risks of Electric Vehicles Resources See more resources State of the Market We invite you to explore our 2025 Initial Outlook and 2024 Wrap-Up, ...
private equity strategiesreal estateventure capitalbuyoutsgrowth capitalmezzanine financingdistressed investingvaluationexpected returnsSummary The aim is to help family offices and the advisors who serve them better understand the nuances of the various subcategories of private equity. Ultimately by ...
There are multiple factors in play that affect the exit strategy of a private equity fund. Here are some necessary questions to ask: When does the exit need to take place? What is the investment horizon? Is the management team amenable and ready for an exit?
A private equity fund is managed by ageneral partner (GP), typically the private equity firm that established the fund. The GP makes all of the fund's management decisions. It also contributes 1% to 3% of the fund's capital to ensure it hasskin in the game. In return, the GP earns ...