The types of companies eligible have changed over the years to include retailers and those owned by private-equity firms. Chicago-based Grant Thornton LLP, the fifth-largest U.S. accounting firm, picked up the program after Houston-based Enron Inc.'s bankruptcy in 2001 led to the failure...
Pension fund decides to cut out middleman ; Frustrated by high fees, South Carolina to start own private equity firmPETER LATTMAN
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Lehigh Valley Private Equity Fund is a reg D, private fund designed to provide an 8% annualized preferred return and an overall annualized target return of 12% - 18% through diversification in lending and acquisitions in the real estate industry.
This chapter: (i) explains why private-sector Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs) and their ratings opinions are unconstitutional (with emphasis on CRAs that rate corporate, municipal and government financial-instruments); (ii) explains why government bailouts
The fresh capital for Barry's adds to a list of private equity investments dating back a decade from firms including LightBay Capital and North Castle Partners. Gonzalez said Barry's will use the investment in part to fund expansion in 12 U.S. cities this year, including Charleston, South ...
As private equity extends its reach into health care, evidence is mounting that the penetration has led to higher prices and diminished quality of care, a KHN investigation has found. KHN found that companies owned or managed by private equity firms have agreed to pay fines of more than $500...
Since 2001, our military housing lawyers have successfully closed more than twenty military housing transactions, involving more than $4B of debt and equity and more than 40,000 housing units in more than fourteen states across the country. We continue to be actively engaged in assisting PPPs, ...
AndrewH.Chen SouthernMethodistUniversity JamesA.Conover UniversityofNorthTexas JohnW.Kensinger UniversityofNorthTexas -1- -2- BusinessWeekCommentsaboutBurgerKingIPO “The comingBurgerKingIPOoffersawindowontotheclubbyworldofcash-richprivateequityplayersandhowtheymaketheirbillions.Duringthe1980s,firmssuchas...
Brad Bailey, a former aide to two Republican speakers of the House, has joined private equity giant KKR as a managing director on its public policy team.