Loaded with cash, private equity firms are looking to put money to work and buying into just about every industry imaginable. Specifically, they're looking for tangible assets and diversification for their portfolios. Recently, the...
Triad will sell hospitals to private-equity firms
“Although further research is needed, our findings suggest that policy makers should consider monitoring or thoughtful oversight of changes in care delivery and billing practices in hospitals acquired by private equity firms to ensure proper stewardship of societal resources and the priori...
Robertson, Robin
Private equity firms have been an instrumental part of healthcare innovation for decades. They offer skills and insights in this area that may not be on-hand already in hospitals. What does the future look like for private equity's interest in healthcare? The future likely holds inc...
5 Private equity firms’ sustained interest in hospitals likely reflects several factors: (1) perceived inefficiencies that provide opportunities to improve operations,2,6 (2) an aging population that will require more acute care services,7,8 and (3) fragmented hospital markets that make horizontal...
private equity (redirected fromPrivate equity firms) Financial private equity adj. Of or relating to equity investments in companies whose stock is held by a relatively small number of owners and is not publicly traded:a private equity fund. ...
Hospital-acquired adverse events are increased in association with private equity acquisition of hospitals, according to a study published in the Dec. 26 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Private equity ownership of health care services such as nursing homes and hospitals is associated with harmful impacts on costs and quality of care, suggests a review of the latest evidence published by The BMJ today.
markets. But there may be a few things you don't understand about the industry. Read on to find out more about private equity firms and why they're important, why some private equity groups have garnered negative press attention, and how they create value through some of their key ...