在云计算领域,Private Cloud与On-Premise是两个常被提及的概念,它们之间的区别在于资源的控制与所有权。Private Cloud的定义是由维基百科给出的,其指的是专门为单一组织服务的云基础设施,不论由内部管理还是由第三方提供,其运行地点可以内部也可以外部。On-Premises Software则是指在个人或组织内部机器...
在云计算领域,Private Cloud和On-Premise是两个关键概念,理解它们之间的区别有助于在选择云计算部署模式时做出明智决策。Private Cloud定义为仅服务于单一组织的云计算基础设施,无论由内部管理还是第三方管理,该云环境既可内部部署也可外部托管。On-Premises Software则指直接安装在个人或组织本地计算机或...
On-premises Software定义 维基百科On-premises Software 是指安装在个人和组织机器里面的软件,对应的off-premises software通常是指“software as a service” ("SaaS") or “cloud computing”,其中强调“on the premises (in the building) ”是指自有。 Private Cloud类型细分 2类Private Cloud,分别为On-Premise...
从话术来看,公有云厂家站在卖服务的立场,更愿意把Private Cloud叫做“专有云”,其实就是Hosted Private Cloud,并希望为该组织提供第三方的运维服务。 而传统的设备厂家和软件厂家,更喜欢把Private Cloud叫做“私有云”,On-Premise Private Cloud,从而在强调“自有”的基础上更好的卖软件和硬件。
大家常常听到Private Cloud和On-Premise两个术语,下面通过相关背景介绍区分两者的差别: Private Cloud定义 维基百科云计算词条中解释了Private Cloud,其含义为“Private cloud is cloud infrastructure operated solely for a single organization, whether managed internally or by a third-party, and hosted either intern...
因此,Private Cloud可以看做是企业自有硬件部署的云环境,区别于公有云(public cloud)的硬件是由云厂商提供的。 而On-premise 则是区别于Off-premise,更多的是在强调其部署的软件是in the building,是从软件或者服务提供商的角度来区别的。 综合来说,同样是描述私有云的Private Cloud和On-premise,主要区别是从不同...
Benefits of an On-Premise Private Cloud Solution In the dynamic landscape of cloud computing, private clouds emerge as a transformative solution tailored for the unique needs of individual organizations. Unlike public clouds, where resources are shared among multiple users, a private cloud is ...
While privately hosted clouds are located at an offshore location, an on-premise cloud will provide you with the option to host a cloud environment internally. Such cloud solutionsrequire an internal data centre to host your cloud server. They are perceived to be more protected because firstly;...
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On-Premise Private Cloud On-premise private cloud is a private cloud infrastructure located on client premises. Put differently, the physical data center is built internally at the client's location. On-premise cloud infrastructure is always more protected from external threats. However, the internal...