使用全新 Microsoft Edge 获取速度、安全和隐私。 立即试用 如果你使用 InPrivate 选项卡或窗口,当你完成操作后,电脑上将不会保存你的浏览数据(如历史记录、临时 Internet 文件和 Cookie)。在Microsoft Edge中,选择“设置”和“更多”图标,然后选择“新建 InPrivate”窗口。
schakelt u uw niveau van trackingpreventie overnaar Strikt in Microsoft Edge ofgaat u naarInstellingenen meer >Instellingen>Cookies en sitemachtigingen> Cookiesensitegegevensbeheren en verwijderen en cookies van derden blokkereninschakelen. Dit kan ertoe leiden dat sommige websites...
InPrivate browsingis Microsoft Edge’s version of a private browser that allows you to go incognito while on the Internet. When you’re using InPrivate mode, your search/browsing history, cookies, site data, passwords, addresses, form data, and more are not saved to your browser. This means...
1 首先,我们点击Windows 10任务栏"开始"按钮 2 选择"回到WIN10菜单风格"项 3 接下来,我们点击开始屏幕"Microsoft edge"磁贴 4 点击标签栏"新建标签页"图标 5 唤出"新建标签页"选项界面,点击右侧"自定义和帐户设置"图标 6 选择"打开新的InPrivate窗口"项 7 完成使用InPrivate隐私模式浏览网页的设置,本例到...
We use optional cookies to improve your experience on our websites, such as through social media connections, and to display personalized advertising based on your online activity. If you reject optional cookies, only cookies necessary to provide you the services will be used. You may chang...
1 Microsoft Edge的InPrivate功能及关闭/恢复方法Microsoft Edge的InPrivate功能打开Microsoft Edge浏览器,点击右上角的【设置及其他】,在下拉菜单中点击:新建InPrivate 窗口;2 此时会打开一个新的标签页窗口,显示:如果使用 InPrivate 标签页,则浏览完网页后浏览数据(如Cookie、历史记录、表单数据或临时文件)不...
How to Turn Private Browsing On & Off When you’re using your Microsoft Edge browser, it’s easy to use the private browsing feature. InPrivate mode opens a new dedicated window that prevents websites, cookies, and trackers from accessing your browsing activity. When you close your InPrivate...
I am a Microsoft Edge user whose Microsoft account was opened nearly four years ago when I was a child. As an Edge Insider, I want to try out the InPrivate browsing mode in Microsoft Edge but there is an option in the ellipsis menu as Managed by your family group and the option for...
在Windows 10上,要禁用Microsoft Edge的InPrivate功能,编辑组策略是最快捷、最低风险的方法。详细步骤如下:在微软小娜中搜索并运行“gpedit”;通过组策略编辑器窗口左侧的树状列表定位到:/计算机配置/管理模板/Windows组件/Microsoft Edge/ 如下:将目光移至组策略编辑器窗口的右侧,找到并双击以下设置项:允许In...
Microsoft Edge始终启动时打开InPrivate模式,可以通过以下步骤实现:首先,找到Edge的快捷方式。如果桌面未找到,则创建快捷方式,目标设置为"C:\Users\用户名\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge SXS\Application\msedge.exe"。双击打开快捷属性,找到目标栏,查看Edge完整路径。在目标栏后添加以下内容,确保在每个...