英文名称:Information technology — Security techniques — Guidelines for privacy impact assessment 标准状态:现行 发布日期:2023-05-08 文档简介 ISO/IEC29134:2023标准的主要内容是关于信息安全的技术指南,主要涉及到隐私影响评估(PrivacyImpactAssessment)的相关方法和技术。以下是这个标准内容的详细解释: ...
这些标准共同为金融机构提供了全面的框架,以确保在处理敏感数据时的隐私保护。 **结论**: ISO22307:2008ENFinancialservices—Privacyimpactassessment为金融机构提供了重要的框架和指南,以确保在处理敏感数据时考虑到隐私风险,并采取适当的措施来保护客户隐私。
英文名称:Information technology - Security techniques - Guidelines for privacy impact assessment 标准状态:现行 发布日期:2023-05-08 文档简介 ISO/IEC29134:2023信息通信技术安全技术隐私影响评估指南概述: ISO/IEC29134标准是关于信息通信技术安全技术的指导方针,它涵盖了隐私影响评估的各个方面。该标准旨在为组织提...
个人信息保护影响评估(Privacy Impact Assessment,简称PIA),是针对个人信息处理活动,检查其合法合规程度...
Privacy Impact Assessment? No. Currently no other IRS systems provide, receive or share data in the system. 12. Will other agencies provide, receive, or share data in any form with this system? Yes. IBS ARL receives information from the SEC through a portal that is segregated from the...
Privacy Impact Assessment Template - Ohio:隐私影响评估模板-俄亥俄州 热度: 管理学论文:社交网站环境下隐私关注对用户参与行为的影响研究Research on How Users' Privacy Concern Affects Behavior in Social Networking Websites 热度: L-Diversity Privacy Beyond K-Anonymityl-多样性超越K-匿名隐私 热度: ...
Wright and Paul De Hert (eds.), Privacy Impact Assessment, Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 205-224.Adam Warren, Andrew Charlesworth. Privacy Impact Assessment in the UK[ EB/OL ]. [ 2016-01-05 . http ://www. link. spring- er. com/content/pdf/10. 1007/978-94-007-2543-0_9. pdf....
Our methodology enabled us to perform an in-depth privacy analysis of the apps, covering static and dynamic analysis, data sharing behaviour, server-side tests, privacy impact assessment requests, and privacy policy evaluation. Furthermore, we mapped the findings to the LINDDUN threat taxonomy, ...
to request us, at any time, to delete your personal information from our servers and to erase your personal information when it is no longer necessary for us to retain such data. Note, however, that the deletion of your personal information will likely impact your ability to use our ...