Drawing on the privacy calculus theory, this study examines the impact of both institutional and social privacy concerns on long-term user engagement with social media-enabled apps. Findings from the analysis of 354 survey responses reveal that both institutional and social privacy concerns decrease ...
with a focus on content regulation in the United States and China, data aggregation, privacy and competitive concerns that data aggregation raises, as well as more mainstream competitive concerns in the unique context of Internet platforms.
Social Media and Data Privacy ConcernsBY BEHNAM DAYANIM
You might not think of your Google account as a social media service. But platforms like Google Maps, Hangouts, YouTube, and Gmail offer similar functionality (and privacy concerns) to other social media apps. Even more dangerous are all of the third-party apps that you log in to using ...
First, this research provides a novel positioning of perceived IM affordances as a primary driver of both perceived social benefits and IM disclosure propensity. Second, this research illuminates that trust in both the social network provider and social network peers influences privacy concerns, social...
With consumers growing increasingly frustrated with online advertising and privacy concerns, how do you convince shoppers to buy your narrative(描述),(1)___ your product? A recent report by a software review company that connects buyers and sellers, may be able to (2)___ some light. It ...
On the other hand, social media has raised concerns about online privacy. With the amount of personal information that people share on social media, there is a risk of that information being misused. For example, personal information such as a person's address or phone number can be used ...
Privacy concerns with social networking services have In addition, Yag¨ue et al. (2003) [5] describes a layered access been raised growing concerns amongst users on the dangers of control scheme based on Semantic Web technologies and gives giving out too much personal information and the threat...
Many people use social media to connect with friends and family, share personal updates, and express themselves. However, the increasing amount of personal data being collected by these platforms has raised concerns about how this information is being used. There have been numerous cases of data ...
Social media are being fast adopted by older adults for extending their social relationships. However along with the adoption, there have been concerns about risky issues regarding privacy leakages and information sharing hazards. Such risks are partially due to the fact that seniors (knowingly or un...