PrivacyAct1988 (Commonwealth) LegalCompliance EducationandAwareness PrivacyAct1988(Cth) •ThePrivacyAct1988(Cth)appliestosomeprivatesectororganisationsand Commonwealthgovernmentagencies •StategovernmentagenciesanduniversitieswouldbegovernedbyState Privacylaws,howeverthereiscurrentlynoSouthAustralianlawonPrivacy •...
NFORMATI ON Section B: Privacy and Credit I nform ation PRIVACY ACT AUTHORISATION AGREEMENTS We at Aussie Car Loans are committed to the National Privacy Principles in the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 as well as any other applicable laws and codes affecting your personal and credit information. ...
澳大利亚是是一个注重隐私和个人数据保护的法治国家。自1988年隐私保护法(Privacy Act 1988)颁布以来,目前已有30年的历史,在这个过程中,隐私保护法不断完善, 2010年又建立澳大利亚信息专员办公室(The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC)。2014年引入隐私保护原则旨在规范政府机构及公司或其他企业对...
Privacy Act of 1974; systems of records--HCFA. Deletion of Privacy Act System of Records from HCFA Inventory This was under the authority of section 1842(o)(4) of the Social Security Act as amended by the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act (MCCA) of 1988 (Pub. L 100-360). This system...
This is a link to a complete version of the Privacy Act 1988 from the Australian Government Attorney General's Com Law website. It is an Act to make provision to protect the privacy of individuals. DOI: 被引量: 1 收...
Lord Hoffmann suggested that this modified cause of action, instead of being based upon the duty of good faith, focuses upon the protection of human autonomy and dignity. This article explores how this...Normann Witzlebsocial science electronic publishing...
It lapsed. A significantly revised Bill was introduced in late 1988, and following amendments in the House, passed into law in December of that year. This paper assesses the Privacy Act 1988 against the international guidelines. It concludes that the Act falls short of the OECD requirements in...
This is a joint submission to the Attorney General's Department in response to a call for input into the review of the Privacy Act 1988 by the Allens Hub for Technology, Law and Innovation and the Australian Society for Computers & Law. The submission focuses on aspects of the department's...
This policy demonstrates our commitment to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (“Privacy Act”) and the Australian Privacy Principles (“APPs”) as well as the European General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) to the extent we offer Services or...