P0A1FBatteryEnergyHVbatterysystem 123batteryECU(ROMRAMHVsystem (05–520)ControlModuleBatteryECU malfunction) HVbatteryvoltagecircuit Servicepluggrip P0A1FBatteryEnergyHVbatteryvoltagecircuit 129HighvoltagefuseHVsystem (05–521)ControlModulemalfunction Batteryplug BatteryECU P0A1FBatteryEnergyIG2signalcircuitofba...
If3ormoresecondshaveelapsedwithavoltageof3.3VorlessattheBATTterminalattheHVcontrolECU, theHVcontrolECUwilldeterminethatamalfunctionhasoccurredintheback–uppowersupplysystem,and setaDTC.ItwillilluminatetheMILthenexttimetheengineisstarted. MONITORSTRATEGY RelatedDTCsP0560(INF117):Batterysignalmalfunction Main:Bac...
Domestic28.0km/L3,57l/100km NHW11 N.A.,Europe,Australia,etc.29.0km/L3.45l/100km NHW20 Variouscountries35.5km/L2.8l/100km WhatisthePrius?HybridLine-up 1997 2001 2003 2005 2006 Prius(NHW10)EstimaPrius(NHW20)RX400h GS450h CrownAlphardHighlanderCamryHV 1997 2001 2003 2005 2006 Hybrid...
HV Battery Control Module P0AFA Hybrid Battery System Voltage LowIntermittently the vehicle would not enter “Ready Mode” and the High Voltage System would remain inactive as the high voltage contactors (System Main Relay SMR 1, 2 and 3) were not being switched on by the High Voltage Contr...
21.REMOVEBATTERYCARRIERPANELNO.6(Seepage21–54) 22.REMOVEJUNCTIONTERMINAL(Seepage21–54) NOTICE: Wearinsulatinggloves. 23.REMOVEFRAMEWIRE(Seepage21–54) NOTICE: Wearinsulatinggloves. 24.REMOVEHVBATTERYASSY(Seepage21–54) 25.REMOVEBATTERYCOVERSUB–ASSY(Seepage21–54) 2004Prius–PreliminaryRelease(RM1075...
TOYOTAPrius复合动力车辆简介 共70页 WhatisthePrius?Prius的歷史 Oct.2019 Aug.2000 Aug.2019 NHW10 Domestic 28.0km/L3,57l/100km NHW11 N.A.,Europe,Australia,etc.29.0km/L3.45l/100km NHW20 Variouscountries 35.5km/L2.8l/100km WhatisthePrius?HybridLine-up 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Prius(...
2010 Toyota Prius Repair Manual COMPONENTS ILLUSTRATION ILLUSTRATION 2010 Toyota Prius Repair Manual
•HVbatterycoolingsignalreception ConverterHVECU •Compressorcontrolsignalreception •Blowermotormodereception CAN •Waterpumpcontrolsignalreception SteeringPad Switch A/CInverterWaterPump Relay PressureSwitch ElectricInverterA/CWaterPump Compressor 255BE89 BE-32BODYELECTRICAL—AIRCONDITIONING 3.LayoutofMaom...
In the Prime is doesn't matter if in EV or HV or HV Auto mode, the 12 volt gets changed the same way. It also gets charged when plugged in, while charging the traction pack and sometimes when plugged in and using accessories like pre-conditioning and or the traction pack heaters. ...
If you are going to purchase the Prolong charger and discharger system, I would install the wire harness with the HV battery in the car. Do a charging cycle for 20 to 24 hours. Let the car sit (rest) for 2 to 3 hours before starting and driving the car. Monitor your battery with ...