Prius app, I checked the battery's life expectancy, which improved to 67% compared to 36% before replacing the modules. The hybrid warning light disappeared, and the car drove well. However, six weeks after the module replacement, the dreaded "triangle of death" resurfaced! Over the next ...
Once the battery icon is full (or almost), wouldn't it stay that way since I'm actually driving the car (helping to recharge by braking occasionally)? Also, I noticed that on the combination meter on passenger side, a yellow light was on which read "Passenger Airbag" or something to ...
A“READY”lightthatinformsthedriverthatthevehicleisreadytobedrivenisused. Thecontentsofthewarningissuedwiththeilluminationofthemasterwarninglighthavebeenchanged. Theoutputcontrolwarninglighthasbeendis. Alowambienttemperatureindicatorlight,whichilluminateswhentheambienttemperatureislow ...
ElectricalKeyAntenna(FrontPassenger’s90980–12382H21HybridVehicleBattery82675–47070 E9 Side) I1IgnitionCoilandIgniterNo.1 ElectricalKeyAntenna(Luggage E1090980–10824I2IgnitionCoilandIgniterNo.2 CompartmentDoor)90980–1188590980–11885 I3IgnitionCoilandIgniterNo.3 F1FrontAirbagSensorLH 90980–90980–1185656...
this is a safety issue as it affect how the brake lights work. The break light switch, when malfunctioning prevent or inhibits the vehicle from starting properly. If the switch fails while driving, it can cause problem with the battery regeneration, this is in addition to causing a driving ...
Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles combine a gas engine with an electric motor and run just like hybrids. Plug them in to charge, and they can provide an additional boost of all-electric power and range on the road, thanks to their larger battery pack. When the battery uses up its charge,...
AfterworkontheSRSiscompleted,performtheSRSwarninglightcheck(seepage05–1397). Whenthenegative(–)terminalcableisdisconnectedfromthebattery,thememorywillbe cleared.Becauseofthis,besuretomakearecordofthecontentsmemorizedineachsystem beartingwork.Whenworkisfinished,adjusteachsystemasitwasbefore.Neveruse ...
丰田普锐斯培训资料-- PRIUS THSII THSII(TOYOTAHybridSystemII)OverallTHSIIOperationSystemDiagramMG(MotorGenerator)InverterAssemblyHVBatteryAuxiliaryBatteryTHSIIControlSystemIndicatorandWarning LightDiagnosis THSII -A-K-W-Q Overall•THSII–Basiccomponentsaresameas’03PRIUS(THS)MG1 Engine PlanetaryGearUnit Diff...
Plug them in to charge, and they can provide an additional boost of all-electric power and range on the road, thanks to their larger battery pack. When the battery uses up its charge, it runs like a regular hybrid vehicle. Learn More Discover your Prius 8 unique grades to choose ...
(l)ConnecttheenginewireNo.3(batterynegativeterminal) A88248(seepage19–2). (m)Connectthehand–heldtestertotheDLC3. Hand–heldTester(n)TurnthepowerswitchON(IG). (o)Turnthehand–heldtesterON. (p)Onthehand–heldtester,selecttheitem:DIAGNOSIS/ ...