so, what was the fix? if the car was getting over 45 and nothing was changed other then plugs and air filter I don't see how it could be a battery...
I never seen anyone on YouTube change transmission filter on Prius. #1 Jay94501, May 10, 2022 Doug McC Senior Member Joined: Feb 15, 2022 1,022 387 0 Location: Midwest Vehicle: 2022 Prius Model: XLE Jay94501 said: ↑ My 2016 Prius 2 is now a 100K. I call the ...
(Nosignalchangemonitoring) Main: Vaporpressuresensor Requiredsensors/components Related: Massairflowmeter,enginecoolanttemperaturesensor FrequencyofoperationOnceperdrivingcycle Duration20minutes MILoperation2drivingcycles SequenceofoperationNone Case3 P0452:Evaporativeemissioncontrolsystempressuresensorlowinput ...
How-to videos for replacing the cabin air filter, headlight, oil and more on a Toyota Prius 2010
02/24/13- Tutorial #15:How to change the transmission fluid. Also, Prius #2 may be coming home this week... ↓ Show 2012 news - Tutorial #2:(it's so simple on this car). Tutorial #3:. Anything that deals with theMFDor digital dash will be going under the MFD category. ...
When you change the daytime running light on your Prius, it is important not to touch the glass part of the bulb with your fingers because the oil from your fingertips will cause that part of the bulb to burn hotter, which significantly shortens the life of the bulb. Some studies indicate...
pressuredoesnotchangefor5minutes. Standard: 2 147kPa(1.5kgf/cm,21psi)ormore Ifthefuelpressureisnotasspecified,checkthefuel orfuelinjectors(seepageFU-15). (q)Aftermeasuringthefuelpressure,disconnectthe cablefromthenegativebatteryterminal.Remove SSTandthefueltubeconnectorwhiletakingcareto preventspillinggasoli...
2ndAIREVALN/ApassesEVAPevaluationmonitors,itsstatuswillchange A/CEVALN/AtoCOMPL(complete).Thisproceduremaytakeapproxi- O2SEVALMPL O2SHTREVALMPLmay20minutesormore. EGREVALN/A A15402A73621NOTICE: Donotshutofftheengine–theresultswillbeinvalid. ...
I got it inspected at my oil change. I need a new cabin air filter. After doing a basic search, there are a lot of options. Any advice? #1 Joe Wall, Jan 4, 2024 ski.dive Active Member Joined: Jun 11, 2008 954 240 0 Location: Hutchinson Island,FL. Mt. Snow,VT Vehicl...
With one exception, air filters should not be changed by date or milage, but by visual condition. Just a little bit of dust/dirt is just fine(it actually makes the filter work a bit better when it's a touch dirty). The vast majority of people either change them way too often(because...