Graduates can also work as a prison officer via a two-year accelerated leadership development programme, which aims to produce future prison leaders with the necessary skills to reform the prison service and to reduce reoffending. Prison officer entry requirements for this programme consists of a 2...
Young Offenders Prefer Prison to FreedomMINISTERIAL hopes of reducing reoffending rates and cuttingScotland's jail population have been...Rose, Gareth
has focused international concern over the growth in rates of incarceration of women, acknowledgment of the negative impact on family and social systems, and recognition of mental health vulnerabilities, and recommends the development of alternatives to custodial sentences and prevention of reoffending. ...
age constitutes a ‘double burden’ of punishment above and beyond the deprivation of liberty that is the ostensible purpose of imprisonment. This double burden and in particular its connections with historic sex offending raise ethical and justice questions that this paper seeks to identify and ...
Young Offenders Prefer Prison LifeMINISTERIAL hopes of reducing reoffending rates and cuttingScotland's jail population have been...Rose, Gareth