newsletters, email, etc.We are planning future television coverage in the states of West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia and North Carolina. We have media coverage on the "Thine Kingdom Come" television station in South Africa, which covers Africa and almost the whole of Europe....
First Avenue Ministries, Chester VT serving SSCF; New Creations Christian Fellowship, St Albans VT serving ex-inmates in Franklin County; Breaking Chains Christian Fellowship, Burlington, VT. (Explanation of ministry and persons involved in “About Us”) ...
TheTruth&TheLightMinistries ShiningLight&ExposingDarkness JohnTodd’sLastKnownTestimonyFromPrison ThefollowingwastranscribedfromatapeJohnToddsecretlyrecordedapproximatelyintheearly 90’swhileinprisoninSouthCarolina.ItwasobtainedfromFritzSpringmeier,authorofthebook BloodLinesoftheIlluminati.(http://.amazon/Blood-Lines...
Cross and Key Prison Ministries is a collaborative ministry of the North Carolina and Western North Carolina Conferences of the United Methodist Church. Our Mission: “Equipping churches for prison ministry, Education on criminal justice issues and Advocacy for reform.” ...