Season 1, Episode 8 Unrated CC HD CC SD Michael's plan hits a snag when he discovers an old storage shed crucial to the escape has been turned into a break room. Meanwhile, LJ goes on the lam and the conspiracy claims three more lives. And outside the walls, Veronica and Nick get...
The first season of the Prison School anime adaptation was produced by J.C.Staff and directed by Tsutomu Mizushima.[1] The season is twelve episodes in length, airing from July 11th, 2015 to September 26th, 2015 in censored form.[2] The season premiered
WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Jack the Ripper unmasked: How amateur sleuth used DNA breakthrough to identify Britain's most notorious criminal 126 years after string of … Prince Albert Victor Christian Edward (known as "Eddy" to his friends) is one of the most famous suspects in the Jack the Rip...