Prison Architect: Second Chances gives your inmates a fresh start with reform and rehabilitation features, helping them improve behaviors and reduce sentences.Key Features Return to Reform: New programs, such as Animal Therapy, Meetings with civilians, and Conflict Resolution classes led by former pri...
一点没卵用的修改存档..如题,就是修改存档的心得啦,不建议修改,以免破坏游戏性。存档文件一般都在C:\Users\用户名\AppData\Local\Introversion\Prison Architect\saves或者
Code Issues Pull requests Save editor for Prison Architect steam-games steam-workshop architect save-editor prison prisonarchitect prison-architect cschwalb Updated Apr 7, 2020 C# dtroupe18 / Predicting-Recidivism-and-Analysis-of-National-Corrections-Data-1991-2014 Star 3 Code Issues Pull req...
- 0008157: [AI & Behaviour] Doctors are stuck in a loop, healing starving prisoners forever. (Icepick) - resolved.- 0008257: [Control & User Interface] No error message when attempting to start an execution with no execution room (Icepick) - resolved.- 0008136: [AI & Behaviour] Priest,...
Prisoners suffering from this virus will look sickly, move slowly, and vomit a lot. Some will fall unconcious. Your guards will try to take confirmed cases to the infirmary for cure. Some inmates will go to the infirmary themselves, but only when they are let out their cells. ...
Hold the reins of the business and become rich reforming prisoners around the world. Start running a small low-security prison and work hard to make your reputation grow. Improve every detail and turn your modest jail into a high-security prison with the most dangerous inmates under control. ...
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Unfortunately, I encountered many instances of janky AI, where it would get stuck on a door indefinitely or refusing to move where I directed without being told to do so repeatedly. The problem got worse many hours into the game as more and more prisoners were admitted, as the over hundred...
Prisoners can no longer emerge from tunnels they have created on the road. To emerge from a tile, it now has to be both secure and not part of the road. Other fixes Fixed Cash Balance display overflow bug. Visually the Balance has been capped to show a max of $2B. Some min...