Prison Architect: Second Chances gives your inmates a fresh start with reform and rehabilitation features, helping them improve behaviors and reduce sentences.Key Features Return to Reform: New programs, such as Animal Therapy, Meetings with civilians, and Conflict Resolution classes led by former pri...
© 2019 Paradox Interactive AB, PRISON ARCHITECT, and PARADOX INTERACTIVE are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB in Europe, the U.S., and other countries. Developed by Introversion Software. All other trademarks, logos, and copyrights are property of their respective...
一点没卵用的修改存档..如题,就是修改存档的心得啦,不建议修改,以免破坏游戏性。存档文件一般都在C:\Users\用户名\AppData\Local\Introversion\Prison Architect\saves或者
steam-games steam-workshop architect save-editor prison prisonarchitect prison-architect cschwalb Updated Apr 7, 2020 C# dtroupe18 / Predicting-Recidivism-and-Analysis-of-National-Corrections-Data-1991-2014 Star 3 Code Issues Pull requests Predicting Recidivism and Analysis of National Corrections...
This is the overall win distribution of thePrison Architect Trophies: Prison Architect Gaming Sessions There are currently no gaming sessions for Prison Architect Trophies that you can join - why notregister and make a new session? Gaming sessions ...
Prison Architect opens with the story of Edward, a man facing the electric chair for committing a crime of passion. This is followed by four additional chapters focusing on different characters and aspects of prison life. From Mafia Dons to power-crazed senators, Prison Architect has them all!
英文名称:Prison Architect 游戏类型:模拟经营类(SIM)游戏 游戏制作:Introversion Software 游戏发行:...
Inmates and staff need a great manager with a good vision for development. Improve and upgrade the staff departments to have better working conditions: maintenance room, offices, kitchen, infirmary, laundry room, or the security quarter. Don’t forget about prisoners: upgrade their showers, the ...
grows and grows—and as prisoners start walking out with tools under their jumpsuits—but it's also satisfying when all the pieces fall into place. The Mean Mile Prison Architect works well on a macro scale—managing your budget, staff, grants, utilities, and infrastructure, but at times ...
ThereisnoenemyarmyinPrisonArchitect,uptoa“familyneed”toconnectwiththe nodangerousenvironmentthattakesskillandoutsideworld.Therearesystemsinthegame controltonavigate;thechallengecomesfromtomeeteachneed,butwiththeirownspecial maintainingorderwhichboilsdowntocon-drawbacks-toiletsrequirepipesalongwhich trollingprisoners....