October 24, 2024 Prisma Access 5.2.1 Preferred and Innovation gives you Explicit Proxy support for Prisma Access China, Colo-Connect, and ZTNA Connector. In addtion, new Strata Logging Service regions (Saudi Arabia and Israel) are added, and Remote Networks-High Performance adds support for priva...
mode enables you to secure access to the internet and SaaS applications through proxy mode and to secure access to private apps through tunnel mode. This is especially helpful if you need the fastest, lowest latency access to a private app and your Prisma Access location is not in your ...
Palo Alto Networks(派拓网络)Prisma Access 浏览器是一个开创性的解决方案,通过与现有安全框架无缝集成,可在数分钟内将 Prisma SASE 的全面安全性和无缝用户体验扩展到每个端点,无论是托管端点还是非托管端点,在不牺牲性能的情况下为所有设备提供全面保护和控制,从而直面这些挑战。 Prisma Access 浏览器亮点 ●扩展 ...
现在,安全团队已经拥有了实时检测和消除威胁的工具。Prisma Access的云端高级威胁防御功能采用深度、在线机器学习,帮助安全团队阻止最狡猾的威胁渗透到企业网络中。Prisma Access利用ZTNA 2.0出色的安全性为混合办公提供防御并通过简单、统一的安全产品给用户带来独特体验。采用ZTNA 2.0的Prisma Access专为保障云安全而生...
Prisma Access商品介绍说明书 Fonctionnement de Prisma Prisma Access Équipes SSI SecOps Ingénieurs sécurité NetOps Utilisateur ciblé / prescripteur Concurrence Pourquoi devenir revendeur Prisma Access ?Ressources Prisma Access –Aide à la vente Formation en ligne –LevelUp : Prisma Access – ...
Native IPv6 access for the internet, external SaaS, and public apps on Prisma Access will soon be available in future product releases. Federal, DoD, and Public sector customers can leverage IPv6 capabilities on FedRAMP Moderate, FedRAMP High, and IL5 once those environments update to thePris...
Prisma® Access Browser secures both managed and unmanaged devices, addressing the evolving security demands of modern organizations and their hybrid workforces.
Prisma Access 提供一流的全方位安全保障。它将威胁防御、Web 过滤、安全 Web 网关(SWG)、防火墙即服务(FWaaS)、云访问安全代理(CASB)以及更多功能集成到单一云交付平台中,每天进行 430 万次安全更新,让组织可确保其用户和数据的安全。 在所有这些功能的加持下,卓越的用户体验有了保证,再加...
Prisma Access Privacy The purpose of this document is to provide customers of Palo Alto Networks with information needed to assess the impact of this service on their overall privacy posture by detailing how personal information may be captured, processed, and stored by and within the service. ...
优势• 通过自动化剧本协调远程访问和事件监控 操作 • 消除重复的手动任务,提高安全管理员的工 作效率 • 可扩展以高效,快速地支持成千上万个远程 用户 兼容性 Prisma Access,Cortex XSOAR 5.5 及 更高版本 通过 Prisma Access 和 Cortex XSOAR 自 动建立全球的安全访问 成千上万的用户从不同...