基于TypeGraphQL构建GraphQL Schema与Resolver,这也是目前主流的一种方式,毕竟写原生GraphQL的话其实不太好扩展(除非借助GraphQL-Modules),类似的方式还有使用Nexus来构建Schema。 基于ApolloServer构建GraphQL服务,它是目前使用最广的GraphQL服务端框架之一。 我们将实例化完毕的Prisma Client挂载在Context中,这样在Resolver...
From Prisma ORM 5.20.0 onward, we recommend enablingstrictUndefinedChecks, along with the TypeScript compiler optionexactOptionalPropertyTypes, which will help catch cases of undefined values at compile time. Together, these two changes will help protect your Prisma queries from potentially destructive ...
lazy(() => LocationWithRelationsSchema).nullable(), }), );createPartialTypesdefault: false If you need a separate model type that includes all the fields as optional you can pass the following option.generator zod { // ...rest of config createPartialTypes = true } model User { id ...
Prisma models also have model field types that define relations between models.StringVariable length text.Default type mappingsConnectorDefault mapping PostgreSQL text SQL Server nvarchar(1000) MySQL varchar(191) MongoDB String SQLite TEXT CockroachDB STRING...
lazy(() => LocationWithRelationsSchema).nullable(), }), );createPartialTypesdefault: false If you need a separate model type that includes all the fields as optional you can pass the following option.generator zod { // ...rest of config createPartialTypes = true } model User { id ...
If you want to create all records in a single database query, consider using a $transaction or type-safe, raw SQL.Create multiple records and multiple related recordsYou cannot access relations in a createMany() or createManyAndReturn() query, which means that you cannot create multiple ...
多对一:(街道→区县) * TBLJd.java 类* public class TblJd implements java.io.Serializable { ...
Prisma client: Type-safe relations & field selection The Prisma client features a powerful API which enables developers to access their database in a flexible and type-safe way. To improve the current API, we've added the possibility to retrieve scalar fields and (nested) relations in a type...
Prisma:下一代ORM,不仅仅是ORM(下篇)Prisma:下⼀代ORM,不仅仅是ORM(下篇)Prisma:下⼀代ORM,不仅仅是ORM 在上⼀篇⽂章中,我们从NodeJS社区的传统ORM讲起,介绍了它们的特征以及传统ORM的Active Record、Data Mapper模式,再到Prisma的环境配置、基本使⽤以及单表实践。在这篇⽂章中,我们将...