[PRISMA Flow Diagram Example - DistillerSR](https://www.distillersr.com/resources/systematic-literature-reviews/prisma-flow-diagram-example#:~:text=Reportssought for retrieval “Reports sought for retrieval”,the difference between “records screened” and “records excluded.”) Palmada, N.; Hosseini...
[17] McArthur A,Lockwood C. Maternal mortality in Cambodia,Thailand,Malaysia and Sri Lanka:a systematic review of local and national policy and practice initiatives[J]. JBI Libr Syst Rev,2010,8(16 Suppl):1-10. [18]...
新版强调必须在标题中注明“systematic review”,不能使用“review”“literature review”“evidence synthesis”“knowledge synthesis”等词,因为它们不能区分是否使用了系统的检索方法。此外,删除了“Meta−analysis”,因为Meta分析只是数据汇...
新版强调必须在标题中注明“systematic review”,不能使用“review”“literature review”“evidence synthesis”“knowledge synthesis”等词,因为它们不能区分是否使用了系统的检索方法。此外,删除了“Meta−analysis”,因为Meta分析只是数据汇总的统计学方法。和其他类型文章要求一样,Meta分析的标题应该简洁、具体、翔实。
Systematic literature reviewThis study aims to develop a systematic review of the influence of Service Quality and Perceived Value on Satisfaction and Intention to Continue the Relationship from an international and empirical perspective. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-...
新版强调必须在标题中注明“systematic review”。不能使用“review”, “literature review” , “evidence synthesis”, “knowledge synthesis”等关键词,因为它们不能区分是否使用了系统方法(they do not distinguish systematic and nonsystematic approaches)。此外,删除了“meta-analysis”,因为meta分析只是数据汇总的...
不能使用“review”, “literature review” , “evidence synthesis”, “knowledge synthesis”等关键词,因为它们不能区分是否使用了系统方法(they do not distinguish systematic and nonsystematic approaches)。此外,删除了“meta-analysis”,因为meta分析只是数据汇总的统计学方法。 2 结构式摘要的写作,要求更细致 ...
Literature searches underlie the foundations of systematic reviews and related review types. Yet, the literature searching component of systematic reviews and related review types is often poorly reported. Guidance for literature search reporting has bee
“Our study contributes to the literature on the association between marijuana use and multiple cancers that has been examined individually in prior systematic reviews. Two systematic reviews (50,51) examined the association between smoking marijuana and lung cancer. The first study (50) offered evide...
(1)Review Title*:以PICOS原则构建文章题目,同时结合PRISMA声明标准,需表明Meta-analysis/systematic review等信息。 示例1 •A systematic review and meta-analysis of rehabilitation in patients with sepsis[4](体现PI); •A netwo...