Systematic review—A review that uses explicit, systematic methods to collate and synthesise findings of studies that address a clearly formulated question. 系统综述——描述一种综述,它使用明确的、系统的方法,针对某一清晰描述的问题,收集与整合相关研究的发现。 Report—A document (paper or electronic) su...
新版本PRISMA statement,Meta分析撰写规范 2021年初,Matthew J Page及其团队在顶级医学杂志《BMJ》上发表了干预试验meta分析的撰写规范 (The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement)的更新版:The PRISMA 2020 statement。 更新后的PRISMA checklist依然是7大项、27个小项,...
有关systematic review的流程图checklist 今天在整理文献和做flow diagram的时候正好翻到一篇专门讲解the PRISMA Statement—— Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses的文章,里面详细说明和讲解了一整套systematic review的过程(请看图 1 —— detailed checklis,以及图2———- Study flow ...
新版的PRISMA讨论部分写作要求包括:在广泛证据背景下对结果进行解释,深入探讨研究的各种局限性,以及讨论研究结果对实践、政策和未来研究产生的深远影响。 The PRISMA 2020 statement还在其他多个方面进行了调整与优化。如需更深入了解这些变化及其背后的考量,建议细读以下两篇官方权威文献,以助您更好地掌握新版PRISMA的精髓。
2021年初,Matthew J Page及其团队在顶级医学杂志《BMJ》上发表了干预试验meta分析的撰写规范 (The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement)的更新版:The PRISMA 2020 statement。 更新后的PRISMA checklist依然是7大项、27个小项,相对于已经沿用10多年的The PRISMA 2009...
《Preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis protocols (PRISMA-P) 2015 statement》这篇文章介绍了PRISMA-P(Protocol)的最新指南,专注于系统评价协议的报告,引用次数超过2万次。📝 掌握PRISMA的核心要点 PRISMA指南的核心在于确保你的系统评价报告具有清晰、完整、透明的结构。它涵盖了从研究...
对于系统评价和Meta分析而言,流程图不需要我们自己从头开始画,PRISMA已经为我们准备好了优秀的模板。在官网(网址为就可以很容易下载到,如图9−2所示。 所以,对于系统评价和Meta分析的流程图而言,形式...
Statement, we changed the name of the reporting guidance to PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses). 3. Development of PRISMA The PRISMA Statement was developed by a group of 29 review authors, methodologists, clinicians, medical editors, and consumers [12]. ...
Endorsement of PRISMA statement and quality of systematic reviews and meta-analyses published in nursing journals: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open 2017;7:e013905.Tam WWS, Lo KKH. Khalechelvam P: Endorsement of PRISMA statement and quality of systematic reviews and meta-analyses published in ...
[9] Page M J,McKenzie J E,Bossuyt P M,et al. The PRISMA 2020 statement:an updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews[J]. BMJ,2021,372:n71. [10] Page M J,McKenzie J E,Bossuyt P M,et al. The PRISMA 2...