Bug description I'm encountering an issue with Prisma when trying to update a user and disconnect related records in a many-to-many relation. When the total number of connected records (and the number of relations to disconnect) exceeds ...
I'm encountering an issue with many-to-many relationships not appearing in Prisma Studio when inserting data directly into the database using SQLx in Rust. I have a database set up with prisma for many-to-many relationships (models: Track, Artist, TrackToArtist), but when I insert data i...
prisma中创建两个模型之间的关系type User { user_id: String!created_by` must specify a `@relation` directive: `@relation(name: "MyRelation")` 我想要实现的是一个操作可以有多个成员(一对多),并且只能由一个成员(一对一)创建。我如何在Prisma { return context.prisma.catego 浏览17...
user.findMany({ relationLoadStrategy: 'join', // or 'query' select: { posts: true, },})When to use which load strategy?The join strategy (default) will be more effective in most scenarios. On PostgreSQL, it uses a combination of LATERAL JOINs and JSON aggregation to reduce ...
或者您可以对关系使用过滤器(https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/relation-queries#filter-on--to-many-relations): prisma.car.findMany({ where: { bookings: { some: { startDate, endDate } } } }); Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 您还可以使用更复杂的查询,...
We’ll use a simple domain model to look at several kinds of relationships in a data model: many-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many. (We’ll skip one-to-one, which is very similar to many-to-one.) Prisma uses a model definition (a schema) that acts as the hinge between ...
model Folder { id Int @id ... parentFolderId Int? @relation("FolderToFolder_parentFolderId", fields: [parentFolderId], references: [id]) childrenFolders Folder[] @relation("FolderToFolder_parentFolderId") }现在,来看看Prisma的CRUD操作示例。创建一个Folder时,你会这样连接到父节点...