PRISMA是Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses(系统综述和meta分析的首选报告项目),顾名思义,就是在系统综述和meta分析投稿的时候需要着重或优先展示的内容,让审稿人能够判断研究的方法学具有科学性和严谨性。PRISMA checklist不仅是投稿时需要上传的文件,更是系统综述和meta分析的写作指南/...
(such as publication bias across studies, selective reporting within studies) Confidence in cumulative evidence 17 Describe how the strength of the body of evidence will be assessed (such as GRADE) * It is strongly recommended that this checklist be read in conjunction with the PRISMA-P ...
PRISMA全称是Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses(系统综述和meta分析的首选报告项目),就是在系统综述和meta分析投稿的时候需要着重或优先展示的内容,让审稿人能够判断研究的方法学具有科学性和严谨性。PRISMA checklist是每篇系统评价投...
其中,Meta分析又称荟萃分析,是将多个研究目的相同的结果进行合并分析的统计学方法,在更大的样本量下以更高的检验效能回答相关的问题。 PRISMA checklist是QUOROM(Quality Of Reporting Of Meta-analysis) Statement的更新版,进一步完善了meta分析和系统综述的写作标准。 2021年发表了PRIMA 2020版声明:The PRISMA 2020 st...
PRISMA-P中英文版PRISMA-P (preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis protocols) 2015 checklist: recommended items to addressin a systematic review protocol Section and topic Item No Checklistitem Administrative information Title: Identification 1a Identify the report as a protocol ...
PRISMA-P 2015 Checklist: mended ___ Protocol Item Number n and Topic Checklist Item ___ ___ n Updates n ___ 1a 1b 2 The report is identified as a protocol for a ___. If the protocol is an update of a usly published systematic review。this should be stated in the title. If ...
PRISMA-P(preferredreportingitemsforsystematicreviewandmeta-analysisprotocols) 2015checklist:recommendeditemstoaddressinasystematicreviewprotocol Sectionandtopic Item No Checklistitem Administrativeinformation Title: Identification1aIdentifythereportasaprotocolofasystematicreview ...
偏倚风险评价工具的形式包括量表式(composite scale)、清单式(checklist)和模块评价式(domain−based)等。常用的评价工具见表7−7。 目前系统评价最多的类型为对随机对照试验的系统评价,常用的随机对照试验的偏倚风险评价工具是RoB1.0,其包含了6个...
PRISMAP preferred reporting items for systematic review and metaanalysis protocols2015 checklist: recommended items to a
精品文档PRISMAP preferred reporting items for systematic review and metaanalysis protocols2015 checklist: recommended items