在Nest.js 中,你可以使用拦截器(Interceptors)来处理全局的错误和日志记录,以及使用异常过滤器(Exception Filters)来处理特定类型的异常。 1. 错误处理 1. 全局错误处理 你可以创建一个全局的拦截器来处理全局的错误和日志记录。这个拦截器会捕获所有的异常并进行处理。 import { Injectable, NestInterceptor, ExecutionCo...
有了对 Prisma 的基本了解,我们现在可以开始构建我们的NestJS Prisma REST API。 作为第一步,我们使用 Nest CLI 创建一个新的 NestJS 项目。下面的命令创建一个新的工作 NestJS 项目。 $ nest new nestjs-prisma-demo-app $ cd nestjs-prisma-demo-app 在下一步中,我们安装Prisma。 $ npm install prisma ...
nest-prisma-graphqlBo**rl 上传8 MB 文件格式 zip graphql nestjs prisma typescript nestjs、prisma、graphql、restful、令牌桶限流、token续租、角色权限、swagger、定时任务、websocket、docker、文件切片上传 点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 ...
$connect(); } } 在 constructor 里设置 PrismaClient 的 log 参数,也就是打印 sql 到控制台。.../prisma.service'; import { GraphQLModule } from '@nestjs/graphql'; import { Apoll...
RESTful API documentation available with Swagger.DockerNest server is a Node.js application and it is easily dockerized.See the Dockerfile on how to build a Docker image of your Nest server.Now to build a Docker image of your own Nest server simply run:...
Supports both no-offset paging for ascending and descending order.NoticeBuilt for developers using prisma and nestjs. However, even without using nestjs, examples can be applied to most backend/full stack frameworks.Contentsprisma-no-offset - notice ...
RESTful APIdocumentation available with Swagger. Docker Nest server is a Node.js application and it is easilydockerized. See theDockerfileon how to build a Docker image of your Nest server. Now to build a Docker image of your own Nest server simply run: ...
最简单的开箱即用的nodejs前后端开发模板/脚手架,可快速开发应用,对前端同学友好。 v3-admin-vite:https://github.com/un-pany/v3-admin-vite 后端:nest restful api 提供了完整的单体应用请求-响应链路,包括日志记录、身份验证、RBAC 控制、API 限流、请求数据序列化和响应数据序列化。 前端:通过pnpm workspace与...
RESTful API 문서는 Swagger로 제공됩니다. Docker Nest 서버는 Node.js 애플리케이션이며, 쉽게 dockerized할 수 있습니다. Nest 서버의 Docker 이미지를 구축하는 방법은 Dockerfile을 참조하세요. 이제 자신...
I am using NestJS and need to develop a RESTful application. In this context, i cannot use builders like Nexus or whatever to bootstrap CRUD features. Question Do you have any idea how to properly target this issue? Keep in mind that i cannot rely on existing GraphQL packages, like nexu...