I would like to be able to group by date time functions: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/date-and-time-functions.html#function_month e.g. for a query that returns the monthly income per month and year: SELECT SUM(price) AS 'totalIncome', YEAR(createdAt) AS 'year', MONTH(...
I would like to be able to write a query in Prisma that performs a group by operation based on the month extracted from a timestamp column ("createdAt") and then calculates the sum of a specific column ("totalFare") for each month. Alternatives To achieve the desired functionality, a wo...
query mutation 数据库 pipeliendb 简单使用 创建stream CREATESTREAM stream_test1 (xinteger, yinteger,z text); 创建CONTINUOUS CREATECONTINUOUSVIEWv_sumasselectsum( x+y )FROMstream_test1;CREATECONTINUOUSVIEWV_GROUPASSELECTcount(*)ascoun,x,y,zFROMstream_test1GROUPBYx,y,z; 插入数据 INSERT INTOstream_...
It offers a storage system that enables ingestion and querying of time-stamped data, with a focus on developer experience through standard query language (SQL) and time series extensions. QuestDB is utilized across various sectors, including finance, telecommunications, and aerospace, for real-time ...
The skipDuplicates option is not supported by MongoDB and SQLServer. You cannot create or connect relations - you cannot nest create, createMany, connect, connectOrCreate inside a top-level createMany You can nest a createMany inside an update or create query - for example, add a User and ...
$executeRaw`UPDATE User SET active = true ORDER BY ${desc};`;Return type$executeRaw returns a number.Signature$executeRaw<T = unknown>(query: TemplateStringsArray | Prisma.Sql, ...values: any[]): PrismaPromise<number>;$executeRawUnsafe()...
🤔 How Prisma is different:It takes a totally different approach by generating per-project client code that is fully typed. This client embodies types for everything: every query, relations, sub-queries, everything (except migrations). While other ORMs struggles to infer types from discrete mod...
id = p."authorId" GROUP BY u.id, u.name Import your SQL query into your code with the @prisma/client/sql import: import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client' import { getUsersWithPosts } from '@prisma/client/sql' const prisma = new PrismaClient() const usersWith...
My sense is that if I want to write a "group by" query so that I can count how many results there are per value of a certain column, this isn't supported yet. Is this issue the best one for me to subscribe to so that I know when this functionality is supported? Any idea when ...