We have also created a web application that allows users to complete the checklist via a user-friendly interface [58] (available at https://prisma.shinyapps.io/checklist/and adapted from the Transparency Checklist app [59]). The completed checklist can be exported to Word or PDF. Editable ...
The PRISMA-S checklist is available for download in Word and PDF formats from the PRISMA Statement web site [37]. The checklist should be used together with its Explanation & Elaboration documentation to provide authors with guidance for the complexities of different types ...
内容提示: Section/topic # Checklist item Reported on page # TITLE Title 1 Adverse symptoms with anti-TNF-alpha therapy in inflammatory bowel disease: systematic review and duration-response meta-analysis 1 ABSTRACT Structured summary 2 Background Anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) agents ...
3《PRISMA声明》《PRISMA声明》由27个条目组成的清单(见表1以及文本S1,后者为可下载的Word模板,供研 究者重复使用)以及一个四阶段的流程图(见图1 ,也 可见图S1 .后者为可下载的Word模板.供研究者重 复使用)组成。本声明的日的在于帮助作者改良系统 综述和meta分析的撰写和报告。我们主要针对的是 随机对照试验...
PRISMA 2009 Checklist Supplementary file 1, Table 1. PRISMA Checklist Section/topic # Checklist item Reported on page # TITLE Title ABSTRACT Structured summary INTRODUCTION Rationale 1 Identify the report as a systematic review, meta-analysis, or both. Page 1 2 Provide a structured summary ...
Section/topic#Checklistitem Reported onpage# Riskofbiasacrossstudies15Specifyanyassessment of risk of bias that may affect the cumulati ve evidence (e.g., publication bias, sel ecti ve reporting within studi es). Additional analyses 16 Describe methods of additional analyses (e.g., sensiti vity...
PRISMA2009Checklist Chinese medicine doctor named Si-miao Sun i n the Tang Dynasty. It is a traditional Chinese herbal medicine that has been used for patients with qi-yin deficiency in Chi na for about 1500 years, consisting of Panax ginseng and ...
We have also created a web application that allows users to complete the checklist via a user-friendly interface [58] (available at https://prisma.shinyapps.io/checklist/and adapted from the Transparency Checklist app [59]). The completed checklist can be exported to Word or PDF. Editable ...